Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 I survived the colonoscopy. Just a few polyps which, in my case are genetic, but they want to do another one in a year. Don't know if I am going to agree to do that since there is growing evidence that a colonoscopy after the age of 75 can be a bit dangerous and not all that productive since colon cancer seems to take 10 years to show up before it starts to kill you. And, by then I would be at least 85 and will care even less. So, we shall see.

Today though my gutt has been a bit discombobulated. Probably just all the prep stuff working its way out of my system but it is a pain in the butt both literally and figuratively. I took some Kayopeptic which I hope will do the trick and make me normal again. And again we shall see. Normal again??? As if I have ever been normal, whatever that is.

Tonight I watched the film Tom of Finland on Netflix. I think it was a Finnish production. Partly in sub-titles and partly in English. But it was a good film. Gives a whole new perspective of his work and him as a person.

We have finally been getting some rain which we have needed. The forecast is that we will continue getting rain for a week and a half. I will be happy when things turn green again even though it will mean yard work.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got the good news, sad that it's taking so long to get out of your system.
    Feel better.
