Thursday, January 25, 2024


I have been given the thumbs up and a green light to begin an entire new chapter in my life. I no longer have a catheter and yesterday I peed like I have not peed in years and it was wonderful. It was almost erotic. I know that sound a bit strange but when you have spent years having to hope you could pee only to drip and drizzle it is a miraculous act. I have a follow up appointment with my Urologist on the 28th of next month at which point we will discuss additional functions of my junk. Things like getting and holding an erection AKA ED and what can be done to facilitate that and what to expect as a result, the dreaded retrograde ejaculations'. But, honestly, those are the least of my concerns. Just being able to pee like a normal person, being able to actually sleep through the night are all that I wanted and expected from this. And that has been given me through these procedures even though there were times when I just wanted to toss in the towel. I have what I set out for and that is enough.

I know that at 75 I am still "in the prime of old age". But all the rest would just be icing on the cake and not something that is of major concern to me.

The love of my live these days, John, has done a few things that are cause for concern to me. When he found I had already filed my taxes he got all upset saying that he thought we could file jointly and get more money. We are not legally married and are over a thousand miles apart which IRS might find a bit suspicious in filing a joint return. Then he suddenly wants me to open something called a DCU account which he can make use of for some transactions he is, for some reason, restricted from doing. I have laid it all out on the line. I do not want financial assistance from him and I have never been anything less than honest with him in letting him know that I am poor and have nothing to offer except my love. If that is not enough, if our love is contingent on some possibly less than legal activities, then I am going to take care of myself first.

So, I suspect, I am on the brink of becoming that lovable yet lonely old man living his best life as best as he can. I will leave the door open for an explanation from him but I suspect that my days filled with long distance romance are short lived. And, if that is the case, that is alright.

I still have my Timmy, I have a couple of really close friends here that I trust and I still have my cousin and his wife. And I have those of you who have become more than just virtual friends. I have a new friend and his husband who I met during the Prostate experience who have helped me get through the worst of it. Put all that together with a heavy dose of Netflix and Prime Video, a library filled with books to read and the promise of sunny and warmer days and there is little that I want or need.

I am of the opinion and now have the ability to, if things are just not right in my live, I can just piss on it all and move forward.


  1. Yay!
    Congrats! So glad to hear everything went all right. And who knew peeing could be that fabulous, huh?
    Never mind the retrograde ejaculation. I know people who have it and the orgasm sensation does not change. Only the mount of cum. No biggie.
    Also: "Then he suddenly wants me to open something called a DCU account which he can make use of for some transactions he is, for some reason, restricted from doing." NOPE. No.
    Do not do anything like that if you are not married. I'm not a lawyer, but I have watched enough Lifetime movies to now that's a red flag.


    1. our conversations throughout the day have focused on "if you really love me" sorts of things. All in themselves red flags. I do not know what took so long for him to "strike" but I have enough red flags now to paper my apartment. I may be old but I am not stupid. Enough is enough.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I’m SO glad you’re doing and feeling (and pissing) better. I have been through that many times, and nobody who has never experienced it can’t know the pain and discomfort and anxiety not being able to void your bowels causes. That first free flow, effortless piss is as pleasurable as the best orgasm!

    I’m also glad you see this guy for who he is. NOBODY who actually cares about you would pressure you for financial assistance. This guy played the long game in hopes he’d lower your defenses enough to strike. Good for you for seeing this for what it is: total bullshit. Sorry you wasted your time on him.

    Keep getting better. ED is totally treatable. You’ll get there (and get hard again) before you know it.

    Stay safe and stay healthy!


    1. thank you sir for the encouragement it does help to hear that I am not the first to experience this whole thing. As for my now lost love. Well, at least I had a year of sweet nothings to warm my lonely evenings.

  4. Maybe Mr Ohio was playing the long game, but it clearly wasn't long enough. Filing joint taxes before you have met in person? Are you a Russian mail-order bride?

    It is so easy to take one's good health for granted until it is gone. I am glad the surgery ended up well and that you will now be mindful of your pee.

    1. I know I will adjust to the new normal but right now I am still at the point of looking forward to having to pee. It is truly the simple things in life that bring one pleasure
