Friday, January 12, 2024

 Just a quick post to say hello and that I wish us all the best.

I am headed out the door to the Lab for even more blood work prior to my Surgery on Monday. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. and they are predicting the temp will be in the teens that morning. There is something wonky about my blood, don't know what but it threatens my procedure and that will really piss me off. I have been fighting for this surgery for months now and it just seems like one last minute obstacle after another.

But I have faith in my doctors and a good outcome. Of course, my kind of luck, right in the middle of the surgery there will be a power outage or something.

The procedure I am having is called HoLep which you can google if you really want to know.

Now, out the door with me. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck, Jon!!!
    Hope everything goes well. It's chilly here too, with bad weather forecasted all day.

    Sending hugs and good vibes.


  2. Oh I do not think I want to google that. But I hope the surgery goes (went?) smoothly.

    1. surgery is Monday at 5:30 a.m. and I will be in hospital for at least two days. there are possible (slim but possible) side effects but I am willing to endure those if I can eventually have more normal bladder functions. And, a possible good one is that they test the stuff they remove for Cancer that might not even show up for several years giving me a chance of surviving that without severe surgical response.
