Friday, September 8, 2023

 Lots of good news to share with you all today. Got the results back from my biopsies and I am good to go for a while. No cancer, no ulcer, a few infections that they can easily deal with. So the grim reaper has been sent on his way for at least a while. The only thing that has not been addressed so far is the ongoing pain in my gut. But that will be addressed if I continue to be steady in my insistence on proper medical care.

The prostate solution is being shelved for a while. My A1C is very high (9.3) and they will not do the procedure until it is lowered. Now, guess what, the steroid shots that I get in my cervical spine to control neck and shoulder pain actually causes the A1C to spike. So, my options are to forego the shot in order for my A1C to go down and they can rotor-router out my prostate and all the while I have to endure the most awful pain I have ever known. Or, I get the shot and have a pain free life while still having trouble with the entire pee at night thing. I have opted for the pain free route and am hoping that when I meet with my new primary care physician on the 18th there has been some progress made by big pharma in pharmaceutically dealing with BPH. I already take 28 pills a day, what is one or two more.

And speaking of A1C and blood glucose. Well I found that under Part A of Medicare there is durable medical equipment coverage that includes glucose test meters, test strips and lancets provided at no charge. So, after a long argument with Walgreens about if that was true or not resulting finally with my Insurance (United Health Care) calling my local Walgreens and explain the Medicare rule to them I will walk down to the Walgreens two blocks away and get my supplies this morning. Mark one for the little old man that live up the lane.

And now for the ongoing saga of my experience with relationships. My incredibly handsome and sexy and loving and compassionate South American gentleman is still in my picture. He has finally granted me access as we had before and I can now wish him a good day and a good night each day. However, during our "down" time I did notice some things about his behavior online that were always there but that I never really paid attention to. Now let me state upfront that I do believe what he has said to me if only because those statements transcend the online sex worker and carry over into our private conversations on other platforms than Chaturbate. But, while connected as the sex worker he often is involved in a number of conversations at the same time, many on his cell phone, flirting with his users and yet somehow making me feel like I am the only one there of any importance. I do not speak Spanish but suspect that he may be saying the same thing to others that he is saying to me. I do not care any less for him because of this. He is, after all just trying his best to earn some sort of living with what he does and earn the money to continue his education. And my affection for him, while still having a strong sexual anchor, is also one of almost fatherly pride in him as a person. It is my hope that we will remain friends for many years and that I will be able to share, with pride, what I believe will be his many accomplishments over the years. I believe that he will someday be a distinguished South American gentleman in three piece suits with amazing grey hair at the temples and very possibly playing a significant political role in the ongoing growth of his country.

So, he remains in my friendship collection while I have walked away from all others except my model friend in Russia who continues to be one of the hardest working and most responsible people that I know.

And just when I was ready to stick my old turtle head back inside its shell what happens? Well, a few weeks ago I get a follow/friend request from a man who, for the time being shall go unnamed, in both Facebook and Instagram. I granted the request and we began just chatting online with one another. He lives and works in Cleveland (a mere 1,300 miles away and within a travel distance that does not require a passport) is much younger than I am but is attracted to older men. After about a week of chatting the old "oh my god I am being catfished again" specter raised its ugly head and I, in a panic, just deleted and block all communication with him. Now mind you I had already, in a chat, let him know that I was just an old retired man with no money and huge debts who just hardly makes ends meet every month. And what did he do? He managed to find my email address and sent a couple of emails asking if I was alright, had something happened to me. Not had he done anything wrong, but a sincere inquiry about my well being and health. And then something happened that I did not expect and that even surprised me. I responded, went through the technological nightmare of re-friending him and un-blocking him and our conversations began again. He did not once chastise me about my behavior, almost like he really understood the fear and panic that I felt and was able to just overlook it in favor of what is becoming an online relationship that actually does feel sincere. He continues to live his life, go to his gym (yes he is a handsome and well build young man), work his job every day and chat with me on his lunch hours and for long chats in the evening.

I do not know where or if this relationship is actually going to go anywhere but I admit that I am hoping that it does. 

There is no way that I could move to Cleveland and only a hidden hope on my part that he might someday be able to move here, find work and a happy life. But that is still only a part of the relationship that seems to be forming. Only time will tell if this has the ability to move from the virtual universe and into the realm of reality.

Now, of course, you my loyal and good friends get to make comments about moving with caution, taking care, never send money (as if I had any to send to him or anyone else) which has never even been mentioned in any of our conversations. The only things he seems to be interested in is me and my well being. Real or not it is such a change in my life and feels so good and right at this moment that I really do cherish and look forward to the time we are able to spend together online.

So, how about them postings? The good the bad and the ugly as they say. Life is not finished tormenting me I am sure but it does seem to be taking a sabbatical however brief it may be.

Now share in the joy and happiness that I am currently feeling and go forth into your day with joy and peace in your hearts. Much love to you all and most of all thank you for continuing's to be such faithful readers of my drivel.


  1. I am glad that the tests came back (mostly) okay. Were the steroids the reason you were getting those insane spikes in blood sugar that sent you to the hospital?

    In a previous entry did you say you had some chance of paying off your debts? That would be exciting if true.

    I shall let your actual loyal and good readers warn you about the dangers of online relationships, etc.

    1. Yes the steroids are at least a large part of my blood sugar problem but without those shots the pain is too much to endure.
      And yes, I am just a few months from being completely debt free. And I am well aware of the dangers of online
      relationships. There will be no discussion much less exchange of any funds. If I begin to suspect that my earlier concerns of being catfished I will nip it in the bud. But I also believe in being open to the virtual nature of the beast until that time happens, if it does.

  2. Yay!
    Glad you're back! And glad the tests came back with a lot of good news. Big has talked about BPH and I know it's no joke. The choice between pain and the dreaded waking up in the middle of the night is quite the conundrum, though.

    Now, about those online relationships: they are tons of fun and they fill up free time. You seem to have relatively reasonable expectations (you now the Russian and the South American are sex workers and they work their trade) and act accordingly.
    The Cleveland gentleman seems nice but I would be cautious. Even though you've made clear there's no bank account to pillage people can be truly horrible. Be cautious.
    And I didn't know you were on Insta! Love that for you.


    1. Yes, my IG account, for those interested in the crap I post, is 89iuy667
