Monday, December 25, 2023

 Well here it is, Christmas day and I send you all the happiest holiday wishes there are. And, of course, wishes for the best and most peaceful New Year ever.

Without getting in to what really deserves to be its own length posting about this holiday and what it means to me just let me say that I celebrate the Christmas holiday in recognition of what it was originally meant to be. Not the commercial mess that it is nor the my religion is the only one that permeates this season these days. But, rather, a celebration of a man who's teachings and ideas changed this world forever. Maybe someday we will evolve (devolve) back to what it is supposed to be and the world will finally have peace. But, until then, all we can do is individually celebrate and hope for peace on earth and good will toward ALL men.

Have a great rest of 2023 and the beginnings of an even greater 2024.


  1. And also with you sweetie!

    Will Jay

  2. Merry Christmas dear Jon!!!!! As Charlie Brown said...I refuse to let the commercialism get to me and run the holiday. Hope you day was a good one my friend.

  3. I doubt we'll be seeing peace any time soon. Perhaps we will not see peace in our lifetimes.

    I hope you had a good Christmas and that things are okay with your health.

  4. Merry Xmas, Jon!


