Friday, February 17, 2023

 O.K. people. Today is Random Act of Kindness Day. You know what that means. We all have to do at least one thing that brings happiness, pleasure, a smile, a lighter burden to some other person or groups of people. And, my experience has been, that if you can manage to do it without being discovered it has a much greater impact not only on the person(s) involved but on you as well.

So, give someone a flower, secretly pay for someones purchase in a line at the coffee shop or grocery store, give a little cash to a homeless person but do it quickly and just walk away unnoticed. That sort of thing. It is good for them, it is good for you and it just might move the entire universe a tiny bit toward the good and away from the bad.

Love you all.


  1. Well if we are scheduling our Acts of Kindness for today then they are not so Random, are they?

    As other long-suffering bloggers will tell you, I have a strict policy of never being kind (or generous!) to anyone or anything. But I suppose this is a challenge worth considering.

    1. I once had an uncle who was an old curmudgeon. Yet, unknown to anyone, he was one of the kindest most generous and loving people to ever live. He just did his good works unknown to anyone and maintained the demeanor of an nasty old fart to the outside world. Why do I suspect that you are not unlike my uncle?
