Monday, July 3, 2023

 The old man is alive and well in Abilene, TX. I am sorry for the two week gap in posting anything but the past two weeks have been a real roller coaster for me. Frustration, anger, self flagellation and not for either religious or sexual reasons. Just beating myself up for being so stupid sometimes. No details other than I have come through that and will be posting soon.

I have missed you all and would have been happy to come hide in one of your basements if I could.

Now, coming soon to a blog near next post will be titled: AM I GAY OR QUEER OR BOTH?

One thing I have enjoyed during my time away is the blog comments we often share and a recent blog comment salon has led me to the above posting.

Available on a blog reader near you within the next day or two.


  1. Good to see that you are (mostly) OK and writing.

    Will Jay

  2. Thank goodness you came back. We thought you had come to your senses and abandoned us.

    I also hope you were able to forgive yourself a little for whatever thing that brought on the self-flagellation.

    1. I hope to never come to my senses and leave this wonderful community that has for some reason attached itself to not only this blog but in many ways to my life. And as for self forgiveness. Well all I can say that that stupid self indulgent behavior is just that...stupid. Worthy of forgiveness? Not so sure. But always something to live through and grow.
