Saturday, April 29, 2023

 The other day John at Going Gently posted about realizing 2/3 of the way through the day that he had not spoken a single word. That got me thinking and it is something common in my life. I go for days not saying a word. Sometimes a word to Timmy. Sometimes a silent conversation in my head with My Robert. But, unless I go to the dining room to eat I can sit in my room and not utter a single sound.

At first I was thinking that this was probably not good for mental health. But then I thought that if I sat here all day talking to myself or no one that would be a mental health issue, not keeping quiet. Plus, I tend to, in a low voice, tend to talk outloud when I am shopping. Last thing I need is for people to think I am just some old man that has conversations with immaginary people.

I heard a comedy routine once that talked about the crazy guy walking down the street talking to himself. But, what if he is not really talking to himself? What if he is actually carrying on a conversation with another crazy person several block away?

Timmy ripped up his stuffed cat last night. Pulled all the guts out and was going after the squeeky thing inside. Well, we had a very short memorial and buried cat in the kitchen trash. I ordered a new toy for him. A hard rubber/nylon bone shaped thing that is flavored with bacon. Just because I can no longer have bacon does not mean that Timmy should go without.

Now for the weather report. Today in the high 60's but tomorrow, and the rest of next week the temps are due to be in the 90's. Yes, that is right, 90's. Early Summer temps and not Spring.


  1. There have been many days I have not spoken to another human being verbally. I do mutter profanities under my breath constantly, and I leave unwelcome comments on blogs almost daily, so it is unfair to say that I am not communicating, though.

    Poor stuffed cat. I hope it had a good long life, although I expect it didn't.

  2. Consider reading old fashioned poetry or well written prose out loud (or rather to Timmy) just to form the words, listen to the cadence, and experience the silence between the words. This was a Big DUH! Moment for me during Lent when I took up the practice of reading the daily lessons - reading the aloud mades a difference.
