Friday, January 6, 2023

 And so begins this sixth day of this new year.

One of the things I do early in the day is read a number of blogs that I find interesting, entertaining and the authors of which I am beginning to count as friends. Yet another way that this virtual world we find ourselve living in seems to expand and touch all the areas of our lives. Mind you, these are people, like my "friends" on Facebook, most of whom I will never meet.

One of those blogs is titled Two Men and a Little Farm. It is written by 1st Man and shares the lives of him and his husband 2nd Man. I really enjoy it because it is so much what Moran-Newman-Farms started out to be many years ago before Robert died and I broke apart emotionally, continued to grow older and finally had to accept that my life today would have to be not the same as it was planned and dreamed to be.

Today 1st Man posted about a hat that 2nd Man had given him for Christmas and I was transported back yet one more time to a very similar hat that I got for Robert for much the same reason that 2nd Man got it for 1st Man.

Robert's Zen was the riding mower going back and forth across the fields keeping our little farm neatly manicured and beautiful, not only in looks but as a place to be together living the best life imaginable. Robert did not get sunburned. Robert got darker and darker and darker until he could easily pass as an African-American. His genetic heritage was about 80 percent South American from Chile and he wore that heritage with pride.

This is a picture of (left to right) my mother, Robert and me. Robert at his most "tan". Sadly I am the only one left and this world is a lesser place with the absence of the other two.

Enought of that though. Today is cleaning before the cleaning lady comes...why do we do that??? Laundry and trying to finish the Mayfair Witches trilogy befor the AMC+ series starts on Sunday. Supposed to be a really nice day as well, in the 70's so at least a couple of walks with Timmy.


  1. Have a good day, Newman. I don't write a blog but like to read a handful each day and sometimes comment if I've got anything useful to say. I've been reading some blogs for over ten years, since retiring, and find other people's thoughts on ageing - and budgeting! - really interesting and helpful.

  2. I will have to check out that blog. I like a new good read.
    And I cannot wait for the Mayfair Witches!
    Have a good day, Jon!
