Sunday, January 15, 2023

 So here we are half way through the first month of the year and we all seem to be doing well...I hope that extends to each of you as well.

I got my 1099-R from my retirement plan so now all I need is my tax form from SSA and I can file my taxes early. I like to try to be near the front of the refund line. I have always viewed my annual tax refund as a sort of non-interest earning savings account. It is always nice to get a bit of cash to start the year with.

Our weather is slowly working its way back to a daily mid-70's range so I think we are going to have an early Spring. At least I am hoping so. Of course that might mean we are going to have another long and hot Summer. And we may be impacted by whatever the El/La Nina/Nino shoves our way. We typically only get the drought impact from those little buggers though.

Out menu for the week here at "the home" looks pretty tasty. We do have one lunch of Barbeton Fried Chicken. I had to look that one up. I will probably give it a try as I like fried chicken. Always open to something new. And, if there is ever anything on tap that I don't care for I can alway Door Dash a meal. One of my new favorite past times.

A new and interesting awareness that has begun to develop with me is the impact that gravity has on us as we age. I am getting close to my "ideal" weight of 185 but it seems that the closer I get the heavier I feel just going about my daily chores. Add to that the pull of gravity on parts of the human anatomy and I almost don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror. At least my ass has not started to sag yet. But other parts have begun to show an afinity for the pull of gravity. What was once a pretty decent muscle toned body is becoming no more. I used to tease my grandmother about how her muscles had relaxed and were just resting. Be careful how you tease your elders. It all may come back to haunt you in you later years.


  1. We are 24-degrees this morning and all of us are c-c-c-cold. But the sun's out and all is right with the world, for the most part, so off we go.
    Enjoy your day, Jon.

  2. I chuckled all the way through this post. I hope your Door Dash delivery person is male and attractive.

    1. Saddly most of my DoorDash "dashers" are young females, not unattractive but not my types. I did recently get a delivery from the store from Walmart that was a handsom young man but unless he was a gerontophile there was nothing I could do but imagine. One of the down sides of being Gay and aging.

  3. My ass is sagging! It can hold a pencil under the sag. lmgao...

    1. And I am sure it is a perfectly beautiful ass (said the dirty old man). Just found this comment. it had been tagged as possible spam and I had to release it. Go figure.
