Wednesday, November 16, 2022

 As many of you know I managed to lock myself out of Facebook for 60 days. I went online this morning and deleted my Instagram account without knowing that it was linked to my Facebook account which locked me out of Facebook. I did find a hack around it but it involves my having to change the login credentials and that would mean having to let all my friends know the change. Best left along for two months and go through the withdrawal that will involve. So, if you try to connect to me on Facebook and see the following, fear not, I am still alive and kicking and will return in Jan. of 2023.

Now, after last nights Earth shattering announcement (just kidding) that the mighty orange one is going to run for President again...while many of the folks in attendance tried to run for the exits but were blocked and held as a captive audiance by the security guards...well, what can I say except that the definition of crazy is to keep trying to do the same thing over and over again only to find the results are the same.

Tomorrow I go to the doctor and I am sure he will do some medical magic that will heal me of my arthritis pain and leave me feeling like a 17 year old. Which will be great for me but not so good for the rest of the world if I am the same 17 year old that I once was. I did a lot of really not nice things, had a wonderful life, managed to survive without ending up in prison or six feet under, managed to eventually settle into a "normal" life, find the love of my life and end up where I am today.

Maybe not what I had planned but not a bad life and I have so many memories that keep me happy and warm and feeling loved. What more could the crooked old man that lives up the lane want.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with your last paragraph. Life is nothing but memories. The present quickly becomes the past. May your happy memories sustain you.And doctor please wave your magic wand and banish that pain.
