Sunday, March 12, 2023

 Well we are on the down slope with out temps. High today only in the 60's after a wonderful 90 degree day yesterday. We will have pretty much daily ups and downs for a couple of weeks before finally resting into Spring...unless we end up with an early and really hot Summer. Got to love living in West Texas.

So last night, before going to bed, I reset all my clocks ahead an hour. But I forgot one. The clock in my brain. So I woke up at what my brain said was six a.m. and it was already seven. Not the way I like to start my day because the world is already in 7 a.m. mode and I have to try to catch up. They really need to either dump daylight savings time or make it permanent. One or the other. If for no other reason all the old folks out here that have really old brain clocks that can't be successfully reset.

The results is that I have not got my loaundry done, which I usually do early on Sunday's. And, if that is the worst part of this day I guess I should just be greatful.


  1. We're in the mid-40s with rain all day ... I have a pot of soup simmering on the stove!

  2. I'm doing sheets! Also, making goulash. The kind you use to get in junior high school.

  3. Thankfully the movement to abolish DST is gaining traction. It cannot come too soon.

  4. Here in the UK our clocks go forward one hour at the end of March. It feels like a return to normal with some evening light gained.
