Tuesday, March 14, 2023

 On this day, March 14, 2021 Robert Ruiz Moran died. He was the very core of my being and I miss him more than can be expressed. This is my post for today.


  1. That is a difficult anniversary. Will you do anything special to commemorate it?

    Somehow I think you knew what today's post would be yesterday. "Who knows?" indeed.

    1. My cousins are coming to take me to the cemetary later. Other than that I am just sitting in a pool of memories.

    2. It is good to bathe in the memories but it is less good to wallow. I might suggest stealing an idea from the Catholics and lighting a candle, if you can do so without burning the retirement complex down. Or you could play a song you two liked, or watch a favorite movie, or...

      Regardless, I hope you have an okay day.

  2. It never gets any easer, but t does get better.

    1. The truth of the matter is that it is just the opposite. I gets easier because the grief slowly just becomes a part of who you are. But it never, and can never, get better.

  3. *Hugs*
    He'll always be part of you and your life. Celebrate him.

