Sunday, December 10, 2023

 LURKIE LIVES!!!!! Yes, the Old Lurker is alive and in the same grouchy spirits that we have all come to know and love. A brand new posting on his blog with and the groaning and moaning that makes the holiday shine. Welcome back Lurkie, don't be a stranger now that you have broken the ice. Oh, and a happy and horrible holiday to you from me, my Timmy and the one great love of my live...Mr. Cincinnati. And, to all the rest of you a Happy Christmas or what ever else you might celebrate at this most joyous time of year.


  1. Oh come on now. I have been around leaving unwelcome comments on other people's blogs. I just have not been blogging myself.

    On that topic, your adoring fans are patiently waiting for a Timmy update, including pictures.

  2. Hahahaha
    Well, we all know he goes into lurking mode trashing blogs right and left and then into hiding and then posts something outrageous.

    It's his M.O.

