Thursday, November 23, 2023

 Well, Happy Thanksgiving Evening to you all. Hope you all over ate an appropriate amount and have fallen asleep at least once in your recliner while watching a football game you really did not give squat about. Right now I am trying to type this with my tremor so bad that I keep just sweeping the entire keyboard and have to go back to one finger at a time.

Just a quick health update. Tremor - bad, Pancreas - bad, arthritis - bad. So, not that much has changed. I did take a pretty nasty fall in my shower a few week back and ended up having a CT scan of my brain only to discover that while the fall did not do much damage an entire new thing was discovered. Seems I have Periventricular white matter disease chronic small vessel ischemia. I am not even going to try to say what that all means. If you are interested just ask Dr. Google. He has all the answers.

Now on the romance side of things. Well Mr. Cincinnati, who's name by the way is John, and I have had our ins and outs and ups and downs all the way back to June and with all that we have drawn closer and closer together. Even though we have not even met face to face yet our commitment to one another just continues to grow. Yes, we have professions of love and plans to be together by this time next year if not sooner. And I feel totally safe and secure with him. 

I still love My Robert and will for all the rest of time but John and I have talked about it extensively and he knows that he is not a replacement but instead and entire new part of my life and, if anything, he stands side by side with My Robert in my heart.

Then, as if I needed any more proof of what we were feeling for each other, on Nov. 11th we were chatting online and John said that there was something he had been thinking about for a while but was afraid to bring up and he said Jon, there is something I need to ask you.

Well all sorts of thing went through my mind but I just said that he should just let it out and ask. Then, in all caps he typed:


Without missing a beat I said yes, of course, right here, right now, i will marry you...

And we did our own marriage ceremony on Skype. So we are now not just friends or boy friends but we are husbands. And we will formalize that when we are finally together.

Later that day I just happened to look up at the picture of My Robert on the wall and I swear he was looking right at me and smiling and it suddenly dawned on me that he and I had met on Nov 11, 1975 and were together for the rest of his life. Maybe you will think I am nuts but I see that as a sign that it is the right thing.

So, everyone else is out of my life and out of the picture. Some of them will remain friends because that is what they had already transitioned to be. But, the only romantic connection I have now is with John.

John had Thanksgiving with some friends in Cincinnati while I had dinner here then went with some friends to a Thanksgiving Drag show at the only "almost" gay club in Abilene where I kept being hit on by guys in their 20's and 30's. Guess now that I have no interest in them they have an interest in me. '

I hope you all had a great holiday and are looking forward to the rest of the holiday season. I did hang my mother's Christmas wreath on the door to my apartment so I guess the Bah Humbug season is upon us.


  1. It sounds a bit quick to be married, but I guess long courtships are just old-fashioned now.

    I am glad to hear you got yourself outside and to a club (acknowledging the dangers of such). Were you ignored by all the younglings when you went out to the almost-gay clubs in Abilene before?

    1. pretty much ignored before. guess i am putting out a new vibe now. and as for courtships, well while anything can still happen, we will have been "courting" for almost two years by the time we finally actually meet unless he comes knocking on my door to surprise me in which case I will probably just faint and need reviving.

  2. Ya still got it. Give thanks 😁

    Will Jay

  3. Wait what?
    I'm just reading this. And I thought I'd wear some pastels for the next wedding!!
    Congrats, though...


    1. Well, my days of wearing white have long ago passed. I was thinking about faded denim and a heavily starched white shirt.
