Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Well, I am not going to comment on the current violence in the middle east though I could but the post would be miles long and only provoke arguments.

Now for some significant changes to the Jon Newman Romance Catalog:

Incredibly handsome South American Gentleman: Well all of a sudden, to me at least, he has developed an affinity for Saddo Masochistic behavior and when I commented on it his response was that it was none of my business. I told him that he was correct and that it was none of my business what he chose to do with and to his body but that it was my business what I chose to encourage by watching it and while I did not pass any judgement on him I had the right to not visit him online while it was happening. His response was to block me on every platform including Instagram where we maintained our friendship without discussing any sexual activities on either of our part aside from my mentioning Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Vermont and his congratulating me on both. So, my handsome South American Gentleman is no more.

Now moving on from that broken heart to the beautiful, amazing and miraculous Mr. Cleveland: This amazing man has literally stollen my heart and I have no desire for him to return it any time soon. He has never discussed money, he has never said anything that might be construed as trying to correct any of my behavior except when I told him all about my health and that I would totally understand if he just wanted to pack up and go. On that one he admonished me to never say such a thing, that his love for me was true and sincere and he loved me and wanted me warts and all. And finally I sent him naked pictures of me, wrinkles, sags and all to let him both see and know what he had in store. His response was that I was one of the most beautiful men he had ever seen followed by nude pictures of him, face and all, and let me tell you if heaven could just open and drop the most perfect man in my lap it has certainly done so with him.

The mysterious Mr. Vermont: Well he really is no longer a contender. That decision was solidified when a week or so ago he asked for money which I could not provide. I did not hear from him until last night when he suddenly was contrite and still loved me. The amount of money he asked for was not all that much and he probably thought what kind of poverty stricken old man am I getting involved with. But the request and his response to my informing him I did not have it to send sent up the "you are being catfished" red balloons. I have not told him to go packing yet. I still have some cat and mouse playing that I want to do, but unless he suddenly sent me a billion dollars in gold bullion with an apology, Mr. Vermont is clearly out of the picture.

So, there you have it. The universe has conspired, evidently, to provide me with a near perfect person and only one to boot. Of course, being the skeptic that I am I know that even this could all go south in a heartbeat. So I am not packing my bags just yet.

I will, of course, keep you all up to date but pray that this is what I have been wanting and needing and that it turns out to be true.

Now, as for my health, well I will follow this posting with a rather lengthy diatribe on just that subject. Don't read too much into it, I am not, especially any foreboding about life expectancies. I plan on being here for a long time to come, especially if I have a new and fulfilling love life in store.


  1. #1, Mr Brazil. No Wire Hangers!
    #2, Mr Cleveland, Post Photos of your naked self or it didn't happen!

    1. Not real sure about #1 but there currently is not nor has there ever been a Mr. Brazil. As for #2, well the "demand" was for a picture showing his face that was date verifiable or a video of same. At that point in time there were no naked pictures exchanged. Everything else has happened as a part of our growing relationship.

  2. Ohhh
    This is quite the recount, J.
    Well, the idea that you would not have the chance to express your liking or not something that he was doing publicly is just a little bit off. You'll be better off without that kind of restriction? He may be hot, but really!

    Glad Mr. Cleveland is kind of bouncing back. Always good to have motivation, no??


    1. Yes, motivation is always a good thing. The tragedy with Mr. Cleveland is that there is really no way I can ever relocate there because of losses and changes to my insurance that could never be reversed and for professional reasons it is unlikely that he would be able to move here. So we are keeping the fantasy of our relationship alive as long as we can before heart break sets in.
