Sunday, December 25, 2022


I realized something last night. There are only a few days of holiday themed romantic comedies left. What is one to do when all they are broadcasting is just plain ordinary rom coms?

Last night I crawled out of my security shell and played Rummy Cube with three other residents here. I have never been a game person and I always tend to not be the winner but it was, and is, something I need to do. I know that, given the chance, I will isolate and only go out of my apartment to walk Timmy or get something to eat. Not something I want to do. So I have made a committment to myself to get involved with some of the activities here at "the home". I think that is what I am going to start calling it. It is not in any way a nursing home or an "old folks home" but rather an apartment building that caters to older people. But I sort of like the thought of it as "the home". So it shall be called that hence forth.

Another thing I have noticed is that I, in some small ways, have begun to emulate folks here. That is not in itself a bad thing. But, I am in my mid 70s and most of the other residents here are in their 80s and 90s. Yes my body has developed many aches and pains and rusty joints. But I am no any where near the shuffel gate that many of my fellow residents are. Neither am I needing to use a walker or start shopping for a wheel chair. So, my goal is to be and remain as active as I can safely be and not to give in to that sort of just sit around and dwell on the past state of mind.

All that being said I also think it is time that I wrote that book I have thought of writing for so many years. It will be a fictionalized sort of biography/journal format I think. Fictionalized because I don't remember the names of many of the other characters that are part of the story and journal format because that seems the be the way my memory works and my mind writes. Don't know what will come of this effort or how long it might take but I have thought about doing it for a long time now. In many ways it will be the only me that is left behind someday. I have no children or family to remember me and tell my story to generations that follow so this will sort of be my legacy. And, if it is ever read sometime in the future it will present a great mystery as to what was real and what was fiction.


  1. Merry Christmas! Playing games is a great idea, so is writing a book. Hugs

  2. Merry Merry, Jon, and I'd love to read your book!
