Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 I survived the colonoscopy. Just a few polyps which, in my case are genetic, but they want to do another one in a year. Don't know if I am going to agree to do that since there is growing evidence that a colonoscopy after the age of 75 can be a bit dangerous and not all that productive since colon cancer seems to take 10 years to show up before it starts to kill you. And, by then I would be at least 85 and will care even less. So, we shall see.

Today though my gutt has been a bit discombobulated. Probably just all the prep stuff working its way out of my system but it is a pain in the butt both literally and figuratively. I took some Kayopeptic which I hope will do the trick and make me normal again. And again we shall see. Normal again??? As if I have ever been normal, whatever that is.

Tonight I watched the film Tom of Finland on Netflix. I think it was a Finnish production. Partly in sub-titles and partly in English. But it was a good film. Gives a whole new perspective of his work and him as a person.

We have finally been getting some rain which we have needed. The forecast is that we will continue getting rain for a week and a half. I will be happy when things turn green again even though it will mean yard work.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 I am sitting here waiting for my cousin to pick me up and take me to my appointment for a colonoscopy. The worst part, the prep, is over and now I have being drugged and unconscious to look forward to. Between the bathroom and my dogs panicked because of a thunderstorm I did not get much sleep last night so it is probably a good thing that they require a driver before they do the colonoscopy. 

Yes, it rained last night. Don't know how much but it is all wet outside and there are puddles. I can only hope that it helps my peach and apricot trees. They are just large limbs. No leaves, no fruit as they should be this time of year. The drought is really taking its toll here in my little corner of paradise.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

 First just a note. Netflix has secretly added an 11th episode of The Sandman. I have not watched it yet but will sometime today. Just though you might want to know if you have watched the "official" seasons 10 episodes.

Now something else. I watched a movie yesterday that took me back to my mid and late teens. It was not about me but it was about so many things in my past. And it was a really surprising film that I have added to my top 10 (maybe I should just start a top 100) favorite films. It is on the Dekkoo channel on Prime and is titled STRAPPED. Be forewarned that there seem to be a number of films with that title. This one is about a, if you are an old man like me that lived "the life" before the days of drugs, sex and rock and roll you might enjoy it.

Friday, August 19, 2022

 Just a quick observation. Sometimes it really is the story that counts. That even a not so great script and a not so great film and/or cast can land a truly emotional impact if you only stick through it until the end. Such is the case of a Panamanian movie I just watched on Prime titled The Family Tree. Not a great film at all though it boasts several awards from "minor" film festivals. The story carried me through the entire film and had me in tears at the end. I do recommend it if you are a film buff such as I am.

Friday, August 12, 2022

I am streaming The Sandman on Netflix and am not ashamed to admit I am hooked and will stream it all the way through and into the next season if there is one. However, I do have one observation. The Actor that plays Morpheus/The Sandman, Tom Sturridge, can not possibly be as thin as he appears on the show. Either he is on some sort of starvation diet or they have done some amazing photo shop sort of work on him. Wish there was an app that could do the same to me.

 O.K. Today just some mindless meanderings.

I read recently about the concept/theory of the multiverse. So as I understand it if the multiverse is real then there are hundreds, maybe thousands or millions of me out there running around. Some are happy, some sad, some angry some glad. Some of me are murders and some are doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs. While that might be interesting to contemplate what would happen if the multiverse collapsed and suddenly there was only one ...verse. Would there suddenly be potentially millions of me running around loose.

Not, I think, a good idea.

Another thing I read was how we only exist because we are able to contemplate our own existence. Therefore the entire universe only exist because we, one day, looked up at the sky and imagined it into existence. This theory continues to grant the universe a conscientiousness and posits that it is aware of us here on earth because it's conscientiousness of us make us so. Now, if we had never looked up at the sky and thereby brought the universe into existence and therefor the universe had never been around to imagine us into being...would the entire thing be just one great, empty,silent void?

Now this might actually be a good idea.

And finally some basic tenets of human existence.

What you resist, you become. Think on that one for a bit. We will discuss it in a future posting.

The rapidity of particle flow alone determines results. Another one to think about for a future posting.

Now, the weather today is another hot one. The predicted temp. matters not. It has reached the point where hot is hot and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Have a blessed day y'all

Sunday, August 7, 2022

 I have been avoiding writing anything new the past week. For some reason, not sure why or what the trigger was, but I have been an emotional roller coaster. Lots of tears and sobs. Television shows make me cry, reading a book makes me cry, Facebook makes me cry. All for no obvious reason except for the absence of my Robert. So, not all the tears have been sad tears. Many, if not most, have been of a happier nature connected to memories or our time together. And, in his absence, there is a strong sense of his presence. So, grief continues to be more and more my norm. It is not a bad thing really. But it is taking a lot of effort to allow it to grow into what I see as my life these days.

Other than all that I have been trying to keep up with the world. A more and more difficult task as days go by. Besides a resurgence of Covid in our part of the State there are now confirmed cases of Monkey-pox in both Taylor and Brown counties. And my county, Coleman County, is the connection between the two infected areas. Nothing here yet, but if that virus travels in the same way that Covid did a couple of years back we are only treading water before we get our first case confirmed...if our county authorities will even admit it when it happens. For the longest time the tried to cover up the real numbers of Covid infections.

And today I read that the "authorities" now believe that several hundred people in New York State have probably been exposed, and are carrying, the polio virus. Those New York people tend to travel a lot for fun and business. So, even if they are not sick, they may be carrying the virus and shedding it in other states. All because a community of religious people do/did not believe in getting vaccinations.

So, have I depressed you enough yet. Sorry.

On a happier note my life is actually very good. I am getting better at budgeting and making my little bit last longer. I read something recently where the writer referred to himself and one of "The Poors". I guess that is what I am. A poor. Such is my fate in life and one that I am comfortable with most of the time. Being poor is not all that bad. But then again, I am not that poor. I have a home, friends, enough food to eat and transportation that I don't have to live in. So maybe I am not all that poor after all.

We are going into a more normal weather pattern for a while. The extreme heat every day is finally breaking and our temps for the next month or so will have highs in the high 90's with overnights in the 70's and an occasional night in the 60's. Then, probably in October, more mild days and even the possibility of some rain. As I recall, rain is when droplets of water fall out of the sky. But it is only a faint recollection, I could be mistaken.

Hope you are all doing well. Living your best life and staying safe and healthy.